We are the modern women, the leaders who are aiming for a purpose bigger than ourselves and aren’t afraid to create our own tables.

The founder, Issa van den Berg, uses her formula as a blueprint to her business, herself, and her relationships.

Come join us as we peel back layers of conditioning, face true power, and truly embody the women we are meant to be. Let’s build our legacy through our heart & soul alignment while we build an empire and change the world.

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Money Mastery

Money Conversations are never about money.
It’s about the path of the least resistance.

To see things as a piece of evidence that it is possible instead of triggers that you don’t have certain things yet.

It’s about receiving. If you are in high receive vibrations then you will receive it even without working through trauma’s. It has nothing to do with trauma’s.

It’s never about the money.
It’s always about you.
You are giving meaning to it by the way you are in the relationship with yourself.

And that’s where a lot of things become uncomfortable.
Because every time we start the conversation about money something in you is moving. Emotions, thoughts and feelings.
And those are the thing you can change easily.

There are no money blocks.

In edition one it’s all about overflow. How do you create consistently overflow.
(Note: edition one is in Dutch)

In the second edition (this one is in English) it’s all about being the wealthy woman.
Because it’s always about who you are when you’re doing it.

Edition one 2222 ex tax
Edition two 1111 ex tax

If you are member of the Iconic World you have access to both as long as you are member.